Information For Librarians

The International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology (AUSMT) is published by the Chinese Institute of Automation Engineers (CIAE). Its goal is to advance scientific communication and maintain an archive of publications for future generations of scientists. All the editors of AUSMT are responsible for the scientific content and other editorial matters.
All the manuscripts of AUSMT are submitted, reviewed, accepted, revised and published on the AUSMT website ( Manuscripts submitted are first screened by Editors and sent to appropriate Area Editors. Area Editor manages the review and editing of submissions. Area Editor also plays a key role in communicating with Editors and Reviewers. All the editors have the responsibility to make decisions as impartially as is humanly possible during the editorial process.

Editor’s Responsibility

  1. Oversees publishing process
    The editor should schedule submissions for publication and work with the Chief Editor and Managing Editor to plan quarterly publication. That is, the Editor should survey the percentage of AUSMT scheduled progress achieved and ensure the quality of AUSMT publication.
  2. Oversees editorial process
    When the author submits a manuscript to the AUSMT website system, the system immediately notifies the Editor by e-mail. The editor should screen and appoint an appropriate Area Associate Editor (according to his or her expertise) to accomplish the following process. The editor also has the responsibility to ensure that those processes are executed properly.

Area Editor’s Responsibility

  1. Initial review
    The area Associate Editor evaluates each manuscript to determine if its topic and content are suitable for consideration by AUSMT. Manuscripts that do not meet minimum criteria should be returned to the authors within one week of receipt.
  2. Choosing reviewer
    Authors are required to suggest a list of reviewers when they submit a manuscript. When the content of a submission departs from the Area Associate Editor’s domain of expertise, the Area Associate Editor should seek assistance in obtaining a list of candidate reviewers.
    This assistance can include selecting the authors of the submitted papers for reviewer recommendations, choosing possible reviewers among the papers listed in a submission’s reference list, seeking suggestions from colleagues, consulting the AUSMT reviewer list, and consulting the AUSMT Editorial Board. In any case, at least two and preferably three reviewers should be chosen for all submissions.
    The review task must be started upon the Reviewer’s acceptance and be finished within three weeks. The area Associate Editor should remind every Reviewer to complete the review tasks on time.
  3. Making a decision
    The reviewer will provide personal comments after he or she finishes the review task. Based on the Reviewer’s comments, the Area Associate Editor should make the final decision to decide whether the manuscript is accepted or not. If the manuscript is acceptable, the Area Associate Editor should schedule it for future publication. If there is a conflict between two Reviewers’ decisions, the Area Editor should invite a third reviewer to review the manuscript.
  4. Managing the editing of submission
    After the manuscripts are accepted, the Area Associate Editor should arrange to edit them, including copyediting, layout editing, and proofreading. The Area Editor should coordinate with each part of the process through the AUSMT website system and ensure the quality of publication.

Reviewer’s Responsibility

  1. On-line process
    All of AUSMT's manuscripts are submitted, reviewed, and edited on the AUSMT website system. The reviewer receives the invitation and connects to the designate review task by the hyperlink in the e-mail from the Area Associate Editors of AUSMT. The reviewer is required to decide whether to accept the mission and follow the instructions to finish his or her job on the AUSMT website system.
  2. Un-anonymous review
    AUSMT is a platform for scientific communication. On this platform, all scientific ideas are open to reasonable discussion. An anonymous review will help the authors and readers of AUSMT understand the issues that concern the reviewers and thus promote communication in different scientific fields.

Download: Editor Guidelines

To Author's guidelines and submission